Accent Conversion (AC)

For more information about the AC Technology, please refer to our SDK Features section.

AC Integration in JS

Once Krisp JS SDK is setup, there are a few steps to follow in order to start using AC.

KrispSDK Constructor Arguments

params.useARBooleanfalseThis flag indicates if you want to use AC or not
params.useRawModelPathBooleanfalseUse this for setting model paths from other origins, otherwise skip this
params.useSharedArrayBufferBooleanfalseEnables using SharedArrayBuffer between worker and worklet threads to exchange audio data improving CPU performance. Make sure to check the Security Requirements before using the feature
params.frameDurationMSNumber10Allows setting variable frame duration buffer sizes via frameDurationMS. Currently, we support the following values: 10, 15, 20, 30, 32 A higher frameDurationMS value is expected to reduce CPU load
params.models.modelARStringundefinedpath to the AC model

Step 1. Configure KrispSDK to use AC

To use AC you should adjust KrispSDK params on creation. There are few options to configure:

const sdk = new KrispSDK({
  params: {
    useAR: true, 
    models: {
      modelAR: "/dist/models/modelAR.kef", // Add AR model url (provided with the sdk)**

Step 2. Pass audio stream while creating acccentFilterNode

After configuring KrispSDK you have to pass an audio stream while creating the accent filter

const audioSettings = {
  audio: {
    echoCancellation: true,
    noiseSuppression: false,
    autoGainControl: false

const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(audioSettings);

const accentFilterNode = await krispSDK.createAccentReductionFilter(
  function onReady() {
    // triggered when Accent Filter initialized
    // handle you own buisness logic
  function onDispose() {
    // triggered when Accent Filter disposed
    // handle you own buisness logic

source.connect(accentFilterNode).connect(destination);; // destination stream is the resulting stream which can be used in your buisness logic

You can checkout the live demo