WebRTC: Android


We have introduced the WebRTC Android Krisp Module, which facilitates the integration of the Krisp Audio SDK for Android with the WebRTC Android Library.
The WebRTC Android Krisp Module is published at https://github.com/krispai/webrtc-android-krisp-module public Git repository.

The WebRTC Android Krisp Module does not include the Krisp Audio SDK for Android. Instead, it serves as a bridge, connecting the WebRTC Android Library with the Krisp Audio SDK for Android through the Android app.

WebRTC Android Library with WebRTC Android Krisp Module

Build and Usage Instructions

Please check the README.md Git repository document for usage and build instructions.
If you don't need WebRTC customization you can skip the build step and directly download WebRTC Android Library with WebRTC Android Krisp Module using the link WebRTC-v126-with-Krisp-Module-v1.1.
Look for the libwertc.aar downloadable link.

Android Sample App

Android sample app is published on the public Git repo.

To build the sample app you need to

  1. put libwebrtc.aar package which includes the WebRTC Android Library with the WebRTC Android Krisp Module into the Android Studio Project.
  2. You should put Krisp NC model into the Android Studio Project
  3. put krisp-audio-sdk.so and the c++_shared.so for each platform into the Android Studio Project


  1. copy the libwebrtc.aar to the ./WebRTC-Sample-Krisp-Android/app/libs
  2. copy the Krisp NC model to the ./WebRTC-Sample-Krisp-Android/app/src/main/res/raw/model32.kw
  3. copy the arm64-v8a krisp-audio-sdk.so and c++_shared.so to the./WebRTC-Sample-Krisp-Android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a
  4. copy the arm v7 krisp-audio-sdk.so and c++_shared.so to the ./WebRTC-Sample-Krisp-Android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a
  5. copy the x86 krisp-audio-sdk.so and c++_shared.so to the ./WebRTC-Sample-Krisp-Android/app/src/main/jniLibs/x86
  6. copy the x86_64 krisp-audio-sdk.so and c++_shared.so to the./WebRTC-Sample-Krisp-Android/app/src/main/jniLibs/x86_64