Step 1: Download Jitsi meet

The first step is to download the stable version of Jitsi meet. In our example we used docker-jitsi-meet . It's essential to note that Krisp support is integrated into Jitsi meet from stable-8615 release onward.

Step 2: Adjust folder structure

In the Jitsi meet config folder create libs folder (~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/libs)

and create a folder called krisp inside of the libs folder

Step 3: Add Krisp JS SDK files

Put Krisp JS SDK files into the newly created krisp folder (~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/libs/krisp)

Step 4: Add krisp folder as a volume

In the downloaded stable version edit docker-compose file (example route ~/docker-jitsi-meet-stable-8615/docker-compose.yml) to add the ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/libs/krisp folder in volumes

            - ${CONFIG}/web:/config:Z
            - ${CONFIG}/web/crontabs:/var/spool/cron/crontabs:Z
            - ${CONFIG}/transcripts:/usr/share/jitsi-meet/transcripts:Z
						# Add this line
            - ${CONFIG}/libs/krisp:/usr/share/jitsi-meet/libs/krisp:Z

Step 5: Enable noiseSuppression with Krisp

In the Jitsi meet config folder, from the config file in the web folder (~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/web/config.js) enable noise suppression to use Krisp Here is a sample config to enable noise suppression:

var config = {
    noiseSuppression: {
        krisp: {
            enabled: true,
            logProcessStats: false,
            debugLogs: true,

Step 6: Adjust .mjs Content-Type

In the Jitsi meet config folder, edit nginx config file (~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/web/nginx/nginx.conf) to modify the default content type for mjs files.

http {
  include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
  types {
  application/wasm wasm;
  audio/wav        wav;
  # Add this line
  application/javascript mjs;
default_type application/octet-stream;

Once all these steps have been completed, you can run the application with docker-compose, and Krisp will process the audio whenever noise suppression is activated during calls.